Teotihuacán, Edo. de México. México Fall 2011

Teotihuacán is such a magical place, I know it sounds cheesy but bear with me, it is one of those place in which you arrive and you see the temples and avenues that ancient cultures built with no help from modern devices; and all that comes out of your mouth are three letters. WOW.

I’ve had the chance  to take friends from Canada and Brazil to see these ruins and they’ve all loved it as much as I do. Me, I just love going back on every chance I have, you can never get tired of that scenery.


Enjoy the photos!

Kelowna, B.C. Summer 2011

In the summer of 2011 I had the chance to make my first road trip to inner British Columbia (after 4 years it was about time) I went to Kelowna with a group of really close friends and stayed next to the Okanagan river. These photos are a small footage of the trip, oh…did I mention I loved it even though I’ve always said small towns are boring? I love being wrong


As I have said before, my two big passions are graphic design and sports, basketball to be specific, talking with my friend Rafael Malagrino we decided to come up with our own innitiative to bring sports fans apparel with original and up-to-date designs. Apparel that can be worn not only to show your support for a team but also your passion for the sport. ELEVENATION is focusing on BASKETBALL, SOCCER, and HOCKEY for now but we are looking forward to create designs for other sports!

Our company is starting up but we are moving fast in order to get the business going, please visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/elevenation. Follow us on Twitter @elevenation1 or drop us a line at elevenation1@gmail.com


Chichén Itzá, México. Spring 2012

In one of my most recent trips, I went back to my home-country and made a small stop in Cancún, Quintana Roo, México. Not only was I able to soak on some sun rays but, I took the chance to go to Chichén Itzá which is in the state of Yucatán. As you all know from my About section, I am fascinated by Latin-American culture, and getting a chance to see the ruins of an amazing civilization in my own home-country is priceless.

Trust me, the pictures do not get even close to the sensation one gets from being in front of these ruins. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed snapping them!

Seattle, WA. Fall 2011

Downtown Seattle

Downtown Seattle's Skyline

Football and Baseball Stadiums

Remainders of the "Occupy" movement in the streets of Seattle

Different types of chile

The traditional Public Market Center sign


You just saw a small sample of photos I took from a small road trip I made with 3 very good friends of mine to Seattle, WA. I have been there several times but Seattle just keeps calling me back, the city has a vibe of its own, it’s got a history right below the very streets millions of people walk everyday. For some reason, every time I go to Seattle I feel the same colours in the air, green, blue, yellow, and emerald; that or maybe I just miss the Seattle SuperSonics a little too much.